• Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

Message From the Arab Bedouin IDF Reconnaissance Fighters to Palestinian Islamist Terror Groups

Nov 4, 2023

Israeli Bedouin Reconnaissance Fighters

(Yoseph Haddad) The message from the Bedouin Reconnaissance fighters to the Hamas terrorists is clear: “You want to be martyrs? No problem, we’ll take care of that.”

27 days ago, Hamas came here, murdered women and babies, which is forbidden by Islam, we are coming for you now.

IDF Bedouin Reconnaissance Fighters

The Arab Israeli IDF soldiers from the Bedouin community can be seen chanting in Arabic in the video. The commander asks are they with him and they answer.

Are you with me?!”

Until death!”

Are you with me?”

Until death!

The commander chants together with his soldiers.

Are You With Me?! Until Death!

The commander then says in Arabic:

27 days ago, Hamas came here, murdered women and babies, which is forbidden by Islam, we are coming for you now, to kill you one by one, Hamas, be ready, stay in your tunnels, hide like chicks, we are coming for you, to make your mothers cry over you, you want to be a shahid (martyr)? No problem, in my eyes (I promise you), I will make you a shahid (martyr). All of Hamas, I swear to god you will die, we will be evil to you, be ready and be warned.

He then again asks his soldiers “Are you with me?” and they chant back “Until death!

Yoseph Haddad Posted The Video on Twitter

(Yoseph Haddad) “When I watch this video, I am filled with Israeli Arab pride! The message from the Bedouin Reconnaissance fighters to the Hamas terrorists is unequivocal”:

You want to be martyrs⁉️ No problem, we’ll see to it❗️✌️(Israel Flag)

This is the only language that ISIS-Hamas terrorists understand!

💪 Respect to the Bedouin Reconnaissance who entered the fray in Gaza… keep us safe and return in peace, oh great heroes!🙏(Israel Flag)