• Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Senator Marco Rubio Says Israel Should Destroy All Elements of Hamas

Dec 2, 2023

“I Will not Call for a Ceasefire,” Senator Marco Says

An activist from the CODEPINK group challenged Senator Marco Rubio on Thursday over rising calls for a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. In a video shared on X, the United States politician was asked if he would consider joining other leaders in calling for a ceasefire. In response, he said no and explained that he wanted Israel to continue going after Hamas until every element of the terror group was destroyed.

Rubio described Hamas terrorists as vicious animals who committed horrifying crimes, and therefore, they must pay for their actions. When the female activist asked the Senator if he wasn’t concerned about the deaths of innocent Palestinians caused by Israel’s bombing in response to Hamas’ attack, Rubio answered that the terrorists were to blame because they knew this would happen.

CODEPINK Founder Disagrees With Rubio

As the Senator responded to questions thrown at him, he kept reminding the activist to share the video on social media platforms. The footage was posted by CODEPINK founder Medea Benjamin, whose organization aims to “end US imperialism and warfare, support human rights initiatives and peace while redirecting resources into education, healthcare, and green jobs.”

In the footage caption, Benjamin said Rubio did not understand that more bombing in Gaza would create further resistance. She argued that Israelis won’t live in peace until Palestinians find justice.

Hours after the video made rounds on X, Rubio shared the audio of the footage on his account. In the caption, he claimed that the members of the United States Senate who have been calling for a ceasefire were Hamas supporters.

Rubio Wants Over 500 Employees Investigated

On Wednesday, a few days after reports emerged that over 500 employees under the Joe Biden Administration had signed a letter requesting the President to ask Israel to cease fire, Rubio sent a letter to the US Office of Special Counsel to hold those employees accountable for expressing their support to Hamas, which undermines Biden’s support for Israel.

In the letter, the Senator asked Karen Gorman, the Acting Special Counsel, to investigate potential violations of the rules stated under the Hatch Act.