• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Canadian Officials Call for Humanitarian Access to the Gaza Strip

Oct 16, 2023
Canada Halts Funding To UN Agency Amid Terror Allegations

Canadian Officials’ Request to Israel

Canadian government officials are now calling on Israel to let Gazans access basic needs by establishing a humanitarian corridor. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement yesterday, saying the situation in Gaza is deteriorating and that it is important to address the needs of residents in that region.

Moreover, Canada’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Melanie Joly, has urged all countries neighboring Gaza to enter a deal that will make it possible for a humanitarian corridor to be created. When speaking to CNBC journalist Rosemary Barton on Sunday, Joly said it is necessary for water, fuel, and food to reach Gaza, arguing that it is the worst region to be in right now.

While most Liberal Party MPs support Israel in its fight to defend its territory, they have strongly opposed the Jewish country’s move to cut off the supply of basic needs from the Gazans. For example, MPs Yasir Naqvil, Iqra Khalid, and Nathaniel Erskine-Smith have all released statements advocating for aid to Gaza residents.

Similarly, New Democratic Party MPs published a joint statement over the weekend pleading with Israel to restore humanitarian access to Gaza, as they believe innocent residents in that region need help.

Canada Plans to Evacuate Its Citizens From Gaza

Another aspect that Canadian officials have prioritized is the safe evacuation of Canadians trapped in Gaza. Yesterday, Deputy Minister for Global Affairs Canada, Alexandre Leveque, told reporters that the government was working to strike a deal with Israeli and Egyptian authorities that would allow Canadians in Gaza to leave the region.

He said Canadians would have been evacuated earlier from Gaza, but negotiations between the parties involved fell through on Thursday. However, Leveque is optimistic an agreement will be reached this time round.

“My Life is in Danger,” Gaza-based Canadian Claims

Meanwhile, a Canadian in Gaza by the name of Moe Nasser says he fears for his life as everyone has now become a target. Yesterday, Leveque reported that the number of Canadians killed in the ongoing war had risen to five after one lost their life midweek. Three Canadians remain missing.

Global Affairs Canada’s Deputy Minister says over 300 people have contacted the agency to help evacuate their loved ones struck in Gaza.