• Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Hamas in America – Imam Omar Tawil From Phoenix AZ

Dec 23, 2023

Imam Omar Tawil

Imam Omar Tawil From Phoenix AZ, Calls Jewish Babies Kidnapped by Hamas “Settler Prisoners” and Hamas “The Resistance”

He frequently refers to Hamas as “the resistance,” thereby providing legitimacy to a terrorist organization that openly declares its intention to expel Jews and eradicate the state of Israel, as stated in its charter.

Also read: Believe Israeli Women – Israeli Women Were Brutally Raped, Murdered and Kidnapped by Palestinian Men

Imam Omar Tawil

Imam Omar Tawil, a Phoenix, Arizona resident and a member of the Islamic Community Center of Tempe, recently shared his thoughts on the ceasefire agreement regarding the hostage situation on X (Twitter). According to his post, there will be a reciprocal release of prisoners during this ceasefire. Specifically, for each settler prisoner released, three Palestinian women and children prisoners will be freed. It is expected that within four days, approximately 50 women and children settlers will be removed.

Imam Omar Tawil

He frequently refers to Hamas as “the resistance,” thereby providing legitimacy to a terrorist organization that openly declares its intention to cleanse the region of Jews and eradicate the state of Israel. The utilization of this phrase constitutes an act of aggression towards Jewish individuals worldwide, who frequently face persecution from extremist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, ISIS, and others. These groups openly express their relentless desire to harm and eliminate Jewish people, using the phrase “Itbah Al-Yahud” as a testament to their hateful intentions.

Imam Tawil Also Denies Hamas Savagery Saying it’s “Fabricated”

The implication in this “Imam’s” statement is that the innocent victims—including children, infants, and elderly women—whom ruthless Palestinian Islamist extremists kidnapped during the horrific attacks on October 7th are “settler prisoners.” The Imam hailing from Arizona ought to feel a deep sense of shame! 

What is the Reason Behind Sharing This Information With You?

Simply put, we have grown weary of individuals promoting pro-Hamas propaganda. The act of referring to the kidnapped Israelis, including innocent children and babies whose families have been brutally attacked, as “settler prisoners” must be brought to light as a violent act targeting Israelis and Jews.

The individuals who were affected were not colonizers, nor can they be classified as “captives” in any way. A detainee is an individual who is apprehended for a specific cause. The innocent Israeli civilians, including older people and babies, who were unlawfully abducted, have committed no wrongdoing towards anyone. Individuals such as Imam Omar Tawil from Arizona ought to be brought to light due to their dissemination of falsehoods, promotion of antisemitism, endorsement of Hamas propaganda, and propagation of misleading information.

GRAPHIC WARNING October 7th Raw Video Footage
Credit: HamasVideo.com

Supporters of Hamas in the United States

For many years, there have been individuals and networks in the United States who have provided support to Hamas. These connections can be traced back to Palestinian members of the Muslim Brotherhood who arrived in the U.S. as early as the 1960s. Hamas, which is associated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, officially solidified its existence by establishing the Palestine Committee in 1988.

The committee and its various branches, such as the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the Occupied Land Fund (later known as the Holy Land Foundation, HLF), and the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), were involved in fundraising, lobbying, educational endeavors, and dissemination of information to promote Hamas.

In 1993, a noteworthy event took place when the FBI intercepted a meeting in Philadelphia, where discussions among Hamas activists regarding their support for Hamas and evading detection after the Oslo Peace Accords were revealed. The classification of Hamas as a terrorist organization by the U.S. government in 1997 resulted in heightened examination and measures taken against these networks. These actions encompassed deportations, prosecutions, and the closure of front organizations.

The 2007 trial of the Holy Land Foundation shed light on the vast scope of this organization, exposing its involvement in channeling more than $12 million to Hamas. Despite the government’s efforts, the network displayed remarkable resilience, adjusting its tactics and persistently backing Hamas. The emergence of Kindhearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development, a group that later came under scrutiny for its alleged support of terrorist organizations, served as an example of an organization’s adaptability.

Palestinian civilians taking part in the October 7th massacres
Palestinian civilians taking part in the October 7th massacres

A Recap of the Events Surrounding the Abducted Israelis

A significant and tragic incident that took place in Israel on October 7th, 2023, was the result of a Palestinian assault. The incident was characterized by a blend of strategies, encompassing armed individuals infiltrating protective barriers and a relentless onslaught of rockets launched from Gaza into the southern regions of Israel. The assault began at daybreak and was remarkable for its unexpected nature.

Gazans (not Hamas) kidnapping an Israeli woman

Gazans (not Hamas) kidnapping an Israeli woman

On October 7th, individuals from Gaza who were not affiliated with any official military or governmental organization were involved in acts of looting, sexual assault, and homicide against Israeli citizens.

Numerous photographs and videos from October 7th have been widely disseminated globally. The act of taking lives, committing sexual assault, engaging in theft, inflicting severe injuries, displaying savagery, abducting individuals, and subjecting them to immolation is utterly unjustifiable from any perspective. Committing acts of kidnapping, targeting vulnerable individuals, and engaging in sexual assault solely based on their Israeli identity will forever be etched in Jewish history as an immense tragedy that will never fade from memory.

Palestinian civilian live streams while burning down tractors at a Kibbutz on October 7th

Palestinian civilian live streams while burning down tractors at a Kibbutz on October 7th

An unprecedented level of savagery characterized the brutal acts committed by the Palestinians on October 7th. Captured in countless photographs and videos, these instances of murder, sexual assault, and theft, encompassing both innocent Gazan civilians and militants, represent a multifaceted and sorrowful chapter in the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

We can only remain optimistic about the prospects of a stable future for future generations. However, there appears to be no discernible conclusion to this ongoing conflict. The Palestinians desire to harm us all, and we are committed to safeguarding ourselves by employing any necessary means to restore our sense of security.

Gazans walking alongside Hamas terrorists inside Israel on October 7th

Gazans walking alongside Hamas terrorists inside Israel on October 7th

Gazans (not Hamas) crossing the open fence into Israel

Gazans (not Hamas) crossing the open fence into Israel

If you want to see the raw and graphic videos you can go to hamasvideo.com and see the many videos where Palestinian civilians are taking part in the more gruesome parts of the attacks.