• Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

Meet Jason Eaton, the Monster Who Shot 3 Palestinian Students in Vermont

Nov 28, 2023

Palestinians Killed in Vermont

Jason Eaton is not a Jewish. He has nothing to do with the Jewish people nor nation. But that didn’t stop antisemites Simi and Haze Khadra (of ‘SimiHaze Beauty’) from falsely labeling the shooting a “Zionist hate crime” on their IG story.

Jason Eaton
Jason Eaton

Jewish Blood Libel

Antisemites Simi and Haze Khadra (of ‘SimiHaze Beauty’) Falsely Labeled the Shooting a “Zionist Hate crime” on their Instagram Story

Jewish Blood Libel
Jewish Blood Libel

History of Jewish Blood Libels and Antisemitism

The history of Jewish blood libels is a dark and troubling aspect of anti-Semitism, dating back centuries. These unfounded accusations claim that Jews use the blood of Christians, often children, for religious rituals, particularly in the making of matzah for Passover. This myth, entirely without basis, has led to numerous instances of persecution, violence, and murder against Jewish communities.

  1. Origin in the Middle Ages: The blood libel myth first emerged in Europe in the Middle Ages. One of the earliest recorded instances was in 1144 in Norwich, England, where Jews were accused of murdering a Christian child, William of Norwich. This set a precedent for similar accusations across Europe over the following centuries.
  2. Persecution and Violence: These accusations often led to mass hysteria and violence against Jewish communities. In many cases, they resulted in pogroms, expulsions, and even executions. The blood libel was used to justify the persecution of Jews and often coincided with other forms of anti-Semitic propaganda and myths.
  3. Impact and Legacy: The legacy of blood libels has been long-lasting and damaging. They reinforced and perpetuated negative stereotypes of Jews, contributing to a climate of hostility and suspicion that persisted through the centuries. Although these myths have been thoroughly debunked, they occasionally resurface in various forms of anti-Semitic rhetoric.
  4. Contemporary Context: In modern times, while such accusations are rare and generally dismissed, the echoes of this myth can still be found in some extreme anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. This highlights the enduring impact of such baseless myths and the importance of education and awareness to combat anti-Semitism.

American Palestinians and Antisemitism

Instances of violence and racism towards Jews by Palestinian Americans are a serious concern. Recently, in a suburb of Los Angeles, during concurrent pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli demonstrations, an incident led to the death of Paul Kessler, a 69-year-old Jewish participant. Following this event, 50-year-old Loay Alnaji, who was part of the pro-Palestinian group, was apprehended last Thursday, being associated with Kessler’s demise.

Hamas in the USA

Since the 1980s, Hamas has been active in the United States, mainly involved in fundraising, lobbying, education, and propaganda. This activity was confirmed by internal documents and FBI wiretaps. The network became more structured in 1988 with the establishment of the Palestine Committee, which aimed to financially and morally support Hamas and spread anti-Jewish sentiments. Key organizations under this committee, located in cities like Chicago, Dallas, and Washington D.C., included the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the Occupied Land Fund (later the Holy Land Foundation, HLF), and the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR).

In 1993, an FBI wiretapped meeting in Philadelphia exposed the strategies of Hamas activists in the U.S. to support Hamas covertly, especially concerning its potential designation as a terrorist organization. The U.S. responded by deporting and prosecuting Hamas operatives and shutting down associated organizations. A landmark case was the 2001 designation of the HLF as a terrorist organization, where its leaders were prosecuted for transferring approximately $12.4 million to Hamas, representing the largest terrorism financing prosecution in U.S. history. Despite these actions, the Hamas network in the U.S. remains active, with many members still supporting Hamas in various capacities.

Hamas Supporters in the USA

For decades, individuals and networks supporting Hamas have operated in the United States, with roots tracing back to Palestinian members of the Muslim Brotherhood arriving in the U.S. since the 1960s. Hamas, affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine, formally established its presence with the creation of the Palestine Committee in 1988. This committee and its offshoots, including the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), the Occupied Land Fund (later the Holy Land Foundation, HLF), and the United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), engaged in fundraising, lobbying, education, and propaganda activities in support of Hamas.

A significant development occurred in 1993 when the FBI wiretapped a meeting in Philadelphia, revealing discussions among Hamas activists about supporting Hamas while evading detection following the Oslo Peace Accords. The U.S. government’s designation of Hamas as a terrorist organization in 1997 led to increased scrutiny and actions against these networks, including deportations, prosecutions, and the shutdown of front organizations.

The Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007 highlighted the extensive nature of this network, revealing that it had funneled over $12 million to Hamas. Despite government actions, the network demonstrated resilience, adapting its strategies and continuing to support Hamas. The formation of new organizations like Kindhearts for Charitable Humanitarian Development, which was later scrutinized for supporting terrorist entities, exemplified this adaptability.

October 7th 2023

On October 7, 2023, a significant and tragic event occurred in Israel involving an attack by Palestinians. This attack was characterized by a combination of tactics, including gunmen breaching security barriers and a barrage of rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel. The attack commenced at dawn and was notable for its surprise element​​​​​​.

GRAPHIC WARNING October 7th Raw Video Footage
Credit: HamasVideo.com

“Civilians” From Gaza Took Part in the Looting, Raping and Killing of Israelis on October 7th

Thousands of images and videos from October 7th have circulated around the world since October 7th. The killing, raping, looting, mutilations, barbarism, kidnappings and burning people alive can in no way be justified no matter how you look at it. Kidnapping babies, elderly women, raping young girls just because they are Israeli, these are things that will go down in Jewish history as a catastrophe of epic proportions and will never be forgotten.

Below you can see one of the images, while still inside Israel, one of the terrorists is taking a young woman he kidnapped and around him are a dozen Gazans, who are taking part in the attack, they crossed the border fences in the hundreds, Palestinian civilians, they looted the Israeli towns, killed Israelis with knifes, shovels, anything they could use as a tool of death. One of them even beheaded a man with a shovel (we can’t post the beheading video on our website as it is too graphic but you can find it on hamasvideo.com).

Palestinian civilians taking part in the October 7th massacres
Palestinian civilians taking part in the October 7th massacres

More Videos of Gazans Taking Part in the Attacks

Below are a few more of the videos, as we do not want to show the extremely graphic ones, we will share with you the ones where you can see the Gazan civilians helping to kidnap a woman and burning property or walking through the open fence after the attacks began. If you want to see the raw and graphic videos you can go to hamasvideo.com and see the many videos where Palestinian civilians are taking part in the more gruesome parts of the attacks.

Gazans (not Hamas) kidnapping an Israeli woman

Gazans (not Hamas) kidnapping an Israeli woman

Footage of Palestinian Civilians From Gaza Taking Part in the Attacks

We can also show you many videos of Gazans (not Hamas) crossing the border fence after the attack started, they heard the attack had begun and crossed through the open fences knowing that the Israeli defenses were down, they walked on foot into the surrounding towns and villages and looted, killed and helped the terrorists do their dark depraved deeds.

Palestinian civilian live streams while burning down tractors at a Kibbutz on October 7th

Palestinian civilian live streams while burning down tractors at a Kibbutz on October 7th

Gazans walking alongside Hamas terrorists inside Israel on October 7th

Gazans walking alongside Hamas terrorists inside Israel on October 7th

Gazans (not Hamas) crossing the open fence into Israel

Gazans (not Hamas) crossing the open fence into Israel

“The Ones Who Shot at Us Were Not the Ones Who Burned Us”

Avidar Bakar, from Kibbutz Be’eri who survived the attacks stated: “The ones who shot at us were not the ones who burned us and the ones who burned us were not the ones that plundered our belongings. It’s not just Hamas, if we don’t end this once and for all, we may as well withdraw all our soldiers from Gaza today!

He lost his wife and son and his leg, and survived the day of hell with his 13-year-old daughter.

In Conclusion

The Palestinian barbaric atrocities of October 7th were marked by extreme violence. Documented through thousands of images and videos, these acts of killing, raping, and looting, involving both Gazan civilians and terrorists, signify a complex and tragic episode in the ongoing war in the middle east. We can only hope for a normal future for future generations, but for now it looks like there is no foreseeable end to this war. The Palestinians want to kill us all, we will defend ourselves and do whatever it takes to gain back our security.

If you want to see the raw and graphic videos you can go to hamasvideo.com and see the many videos where Palestinian civilians are taking part in the more gruesome parts of the attacks.